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In most Jewish communities throughout history, the dominant language of prayer has been Hebrew, the “holy tongue.” Yet, since antiquity, there has been a rich parallel tradition of prayer in the “mother tongue,” the primary language spoken in a region or country, or a recent ancestral mother tongue. This has been most common in Ladino/Judeo-Spanish, but there have been examples in several other languages.


Reuben Eliyahu Israel's Ladino Selihot

Stroum Center, University of Washington

Asher Shasho Levy's concert/lecture on Judeo-Arabic Shabbat liturgy

Part 3 of a 4-part series, "Jewish Prayer in Many Languages"

Ein Kelohenu multilingual.jpg

Judeo-Aramaic / Jewish Neo-Aramaic

Akdamut first 2 stanzas.jpg
A Medieval Aramaic Poem for Shavuot.png
Aramaic Shalom Aleichem.jpg

Greek / Judeo-Greek

Greek prayer.jpg
Judeo-Greek Shavuot.jpg
Judeo Provencal siddur 3.png


Judeo Provencal siddur 4.png
Judeo Provencal siddur 2.png

Seder tefilot be-targum le-Shuʾadit. Prayerbook in Judeo-Provencal, 14-15th century, University of Leeds Library



Habib Allah Eliyahu and Eliyahu Bil Karmel, Aleppo tradition


Habib Allah Eliyahu from Sha'ar Benyamin,

the Damascene community in Mexico 


Habib Allah Eliyahu, Iraqi version, credited to

R'Yosef Hayyim (Ben Ish Hai)


Habib Allah Eliyahu, Gabriel Shrem



Judeo-Persian from the Mashhadi community in New York, about the Sacrifice of Isaac

Screenshot Persian Mashadi.png

Psalm 23 with Persian translation in the second half

Visit the High Holiday Liturgy page for more examples of Judeo-Persian



London Portuguese Mi Shebarakh for those arrested by the Inquisition

London Portugese Mi Sheberakh for those arrested by the Inquisition.jpg

London Portuguese Mi Shebarakh for those traveling by land or sea

London Portuguese Mi Sheberakh for those traveling by land or sea.jpg

London Portuguese Mi Shebarakh for Shabbat Mitsvot

London Portuguese Mi Sheberakh for Shabbat Mitsvot.jpg



Bendicho su nombre or La bendición a Israel (Berih Sheme), a Trezoro de Kantes (Ladino Song Treasure)

berih sheme pt 1.png
berih sheme.png

Berikh Sheme in Ladino, Behar edition

Berikh Sheme Behar edition.png

Elav Mi Hiqsha in Hebrew

Elav Mi Hiqsha, Hebrew, Zehut Yosef, Sea

Berikh Sheme, Salonika version, 1979

Elav Mi Hiqsha in Ladino

Elav Mi Hiqsha, Ladino, Zehut Yosef, Sea

En k'Elohenu in Ladino, a Trezoro de Kantes, Los Angeles edition

en kelohenu.png

En Kelohenu, Hazzan Isaac Azose, Seattle

en kelohenu pt 2.png

En Kelohenu, Moroccan Haketia Version

En k'Elohenu in Ladino alongside Hebrew script, Seattle edition

En Kelohenu in Ladino (Zehut Yosef, Seat

Ketubbah de La Ley (reading / marriage contract of the law) de Shavuot in Ladino, Seattle

Ketubbah de la ley de shavot.png
ketubbah de la ley de shavuot pt 2.png

Ketuba de la Ley, Mollie Cohen, 1930s-40s

Ketuba de la Ley, Berta Aguada,

Çannakale tradition. 1983

Ketuba de la Ley, Sephardic Bikkur Holim, Seattle

(scroll down to Shavuot Recordings)

Lekha Dodi in Ladino

Sephardic sabbath chants.png

Ya Ribon in Ladino

Ya Ribon in Ladino.png

Ya Ribon/Ya Sinyor, Ankara version

Ketuba le Matan Torah, Gabriel Shrem

Hazzan Isaac Behar, son of Rabbi Leon Yehuda Behar who wrote the Lekha Dodi translation in Ladino.

sephardic sabbath chants rabbi.png

Yigdal in Ladino


Ya Ribon/Ya Sinyor, Istanbul version

Hamavdil with Judeo-Spanish stanza, Ottoman tradition


Hamabdil, Yehoram Gaon, Ensemble Hiba (Judeo-Spanish verse begins at 1:50)

Book of Ruth Chanted in Ladino

Biblia Ladino.png

Bible in Ladino, Ferrara 1553, Seattle Ladino Community

Ferrara 1552.png

Book in Ladino, Ferrara 1552, Seattle Ladino Community


Song of Songs in Ladino, Salonika 1876, Seattle Ladino Community


Paraphrasis, Amsterdam 1664, Seattle Ladino Community


Constantinople 1744

Siddur for Women.png

Siddur for Women in Ladino, Seattle Ladino Community


Women's Siddur, Salonika 1565, Seattle Ladino Community


Siddur for the Four Fasts in Ladino, Seattle Ladino Community

En Kelohenu Hebrew/Ladino Liturgical Songs, The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of Montreal

Liturgical Songs and Chants according to the Turkish Balkan Sephardic Tradition, from Song of the Sephardi

masehat avot.png

Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers

Seattle Ladino Community

pirkei avot venice.png

Pirkei Avot, Venice, Italy - Seattle Ladino Community

pirkei avot saloniki.png

Pirkei Avot, Saloniki, Greece, 1893 - Seattle Ladino Community

pirkei avot florence.png

Pirkei Avot, Florence - Seattle Ladino Community

pirkei avot jerusalem.png

Pirkei Avot, Jerusalem 1901 - Seattle Ladino Community

pirkei avot schwarzwald.png

Pirkei Avot in Ladino, translated by Ora Rodrigue Schwarzwald, 2018

Pirkei Avot chanted in Ladino, featured in "The Sephardic Ladino Tradition"

Birkat Hamazon chanted in Ladino, featured in "The Sephardic Ladino Tradition"

shirat hayam.png

Shirat HaYam, Song of the Sea, in Moroccan Ladino, by Yigal Biton

Visit the High Holiday Liturgy and Passover pages for more examples

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Copyright © 2002-2025, HUC-JIR Jewish Language Project. Last update: 2025-1-17.

To cite: Author name (if available). Page name. Jewish Language Website, Sarah Bunin Benor (ed). Los Angeles: HUC Jewish Language Project. Web address (**).

Attribution: Creative Commons Share-Alike 4.0 International.

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